
19 August, 2020

Find out about us here

19 AUGUST, 2019

We have been awarded the title ”Company of the Month” by Rheinisches Schaufenster. Here is the article.

28 September, 2018

Neuinvestoren mit langfristigem Anlagehorizont. Auch Bestandsinvestoren schießen weiteres Kapital nach. Realisierung der nächsten Skalierungsstufe. Das Kölner Technologie-Start-up SUMTEQ GmbH sichert...

10 April, 2018

“Six months after the start of the THEcore project, members of va-Q-tec and SUMTEQ met to discuss the newest scientific and technological findings highlighted by Dr. Flávia Almeida. She presented the research outcomes of the first semester of the project...

01 May, 2017

Investor va-Q-Tec continues on its successful course after its IPO in 2016. The very good business development in 2016 is reflected in...

02 February, 2017

The Global Gypsum Magazine reports on the capital increase of SUMTEQ GmbH by Va-Q-Tec AG. Both companies are linked by a strategic partnership. The Global Gypsum Magazine...

30 November, 2016

The German Equity Forum (“Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum”) is one of the most established capital market events for corporate financing in Europe...
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